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<No Surname> (146)
(Bradbury) (1), (Dennis) (1), (Robert) (1)
? (1)
ab Einion (1), ab Elidyr (2), ab Ieuan (1), ab Rhys (1)
Abbott (3), Aberlein (1), Abrahall (7), Abrahams (2), Adams (1), Adelin (1), Aethelstan (1), Agate (2), Albert (1), Alden (3), Alemania (1), Ales (1), Alfgeirsson (1), Algautsdotter (1), Alger (5), Allen (1), Alreksson (1), Amildez (2), Andrews (2), Anfortus (1), Angadrisma (1), Angelos (2), Anslee (1), Anstee (1), Anundsson (2)
ap Cadwgan (2), ap Caradog (1), ap Goronwy (1), ap Gronwy (1), ap Gruffudd (3), ap Gruffydd (5), ap Gwilym (1), ap Hoedliw (1), ap Hywel (2), ap Jenkin (1)
Ap Joshua (1)
ap Llywarch, (1), ap Madog (1), ap Mathew (1), ap Meurig Goch (1), ap Nicolas (1), ap Philip (2), ap Rhiwallon (1), ap Rhydderch (1), ap Thomas (2), ap Trahaearn (1), ap Tudur (1)
Araiade (1), Archer (2), Ash (1), Ashe (2), Ashfield (1), Ashmore (4), Atwood (1), Audley (4), Austen (5), Austie (2), Austin (14), AUSTRIA (1), Awraham (1)
Bacharach (4), Bachrach (1), Badger (4), Bailey (2), Baldwin (10), Ballin (1), Balthild (1), Bardsey (1), Barnwell (3), Barroso (2), Baskerville (1), Basset (3), Bassett (2), Bateman (2), Bathe (5), Bayley (1), Bayly (1), Beauchamp (4), Beaufort (4), Beedham (1), Beer Haas (1), Bennet (1), Ber Haas (1), Berenguer (4), Berkeley (7), Berman (1), Bernard (1), Best (1), Bianchi (3), Bigge (1), Bigod (5), Bishop (1), Bishop of Tours (1), Blaier (1), Blayen (1), Bledlowe (2), Bloch Brusel (2), Blount (8), Bluet (2), Bocmak (1), Boczmak (3), Boleine (1), Boleyn (2), Bolney (5), Bonham (2), Bonn (1), Borough (1), Botour (1), Botten (1), Botting (2), Bottyn (1), Boulter (2), Bourdon (1), Bowles (1), Bowring (7), Bradbury (3), Bradley (2), Branch (2), Brandon (2), Braut-Önundr (1), Brecc (1), Brew (10), Brewer (1), Bridger (2), Brocket (1), Brocklace (2), Brockless (3), Brocklis (1), Brockliss (2), Bromwich (3), Brooker (2), Broomham (2), Brown (7), Browne (4), Buchsbaum (2), Buide (1), Bunce (1), Burrows (1), Bussey (1), Butcher (3)
Caddy (1), Cahn (1), Callinswood (1), Calthorpe (1), Capet (3), Carew (3), Carl (1), Carloman (1), Carn (1), Carpenter (1), Carter (4), Cartor (2), Castellors (1), Cathair Mar (1), Cawley (1), Ceballos (1), Cecil (2), Chalcroft (2), Champagne (1), Chantmarle (4), Chapman (1), Charles (5), Chaucer (1), Cheseman (4), Cheverell (2), Chevrill (1), Chitty (5), Chittye (1), Christian (1), Cimbri (2), Clifford (1), Clivedon (4), Coburne (2), Coe (7), Cohen (1), Collins (2), Comyn (1), Coo (5), Cook (3), Cooke (9), Cooper (2), Copledike (4), Corbet (11), Cordingley (2), Corke (2), Cover (1), Covert (2), Covington (1), Cowley (3), Cox (2), Crane (1), Cranford (1), Crawford (1), Creed (11), Creed* (1), Croft (6), Crompton (1), Crouchback (1), Crowler (1), Crump (8), Crutchlow (2), Culpeper (1)
d Montlhery (1), d'Abetot (3), d'Acqs (1)
Dale (2), Dallison (3), Danvers (1)
d'Aquitaine (2), d'Aragon (1)
Darcknall (1)
d'Arderne (4)
Darkenall (2), Darkenel (4), Darknall (1), Darknoll (1), Dartnall ? (1), Dartnell (1)
d'Aubigny (3), d'Aumale (2), d'Aunou (1), d'Auvergne (1), d'Avenel (1)
Davis (3)
d'Avranches (2), de Vere (1), de Aguillon (1), de Albani (1), de Albini (1), de Aldithleigh (1), de Anne (1), de Ansurez (1), de Audley (5), de Avize (1), de Ayala (6), de Badlesmere (5), de Bayeux (4), de Beauchamp (26), de Beaumont (5), de Berkeley (2)
De Berkley (1)
de Bidun (2), de Blois (1), de Bohun (8), de Bolebec (3), de Bolteby (1), de Bonhamme (3), de Bonville (1), de Boulogne (1), de Bourbon (2), de Bourdon (1), de Braose (8), de Brest (1), de Brett (2), de Brionne (2), de Bromwich (1), de Bruley (1), de Brus (7), de Bryan (1), de Burghersh (1), de Cambridge (1), de Camville (1), de Carew (1)
De Cassell (1)
de Ceballos (3), de Chalon (1), de Chantmarle (1), de Charron (2), de Chaworth (6), de Cheverell (1), de Claire (2), de Clare (16), de Clere (1), de Clermont (2), de Codnor (1), de Colekirke (3), de Conteville (1), de Cornuaille (3), de Cornuaille II (1), de Coucy (7), de Courtenay (4), de Croft (1), de Dean (1), de Drayton (9), de Englinus (1), de Faucigny (1), de Ferrers (12), de Ferriers (6), de Framling (2), de Francs (1), de Friuli (3), de Furnell (2), de Gael (1), de Gamboa (1), de Garlande (2), de Gernon (1), de Gimeges (1), de Gournay (1), de Greyndour (1), de Gwent (1), de Hainault (3), de Hales (3), de Haro (4), de Helyon (2), de Herbert (1), de Hesbaye (1), de Holland (1), de Kirkby (2), de Kirkeby (1), de la Bere (2), de la Ferte (1), de Lacy (3), de L'Aigle (1), de Laon (3), de Lara (3), de León (2), de Leveland (3), de Limesey (2), de Limesi (1), de Lindsey (1), de Lisoures (2), de Londres (1), de Longespee (1), de Lorraine (1), de Loveyne (1), de Lucy (5), de Lusignan (1), de Lusina (1), de Maurienne (1), de Metz (1), de Mohun (2), de Molina (1), de Montdidier (1), de Monte Canisi (1), de Montfichet (1), de Montfort (5), de Mortein (1), de Morteyne (6), de Mortimer (7), de Mountjoy (3), de Mowbray (17), de Munchensy (3), de Mundabliel (2), de Nantes (2), de Narbonne (2), de Neufmarché (2), de Neustria (2), de Odingsells (5), de Penthièvre (2), de Poher (1), de Ponthieu (3), de Prendergast (1), de Prum (1), de Quincy (7), de Rie (3), de Roet (4), de Ros (10), de Roucy (1), de Sanford (2), de Scotland (1), de Segrave (3), de Senlis (2), de Sodington (2), de Soto (1), de St. Hilary (2), de St. Paul (1), de Stafford (5), de Stapleton (1), de Stoke (5), de Stoner (1), de Stuteville (2), de Taillebois (1), de Thuringia (3), de Toeni (1), de Toledo (2), de Trelawny (1), de Turberville (1), de Valletort (5), de Valognes (2), de Valoignes (1), de Valois (2), de Vaux (1), de Velascuri (1), de Verdun (1), de Vere (36), de Vere/Drayton (1), de Villard (4), de Walwayne (5), de Warenne (14), de Willoughby (2)
Deaton (1), Delahay (1), Dendy (7), Dennis (6)
der Franken (6)
Despenser (5), Dessesser (1)
d'Eu (1)
Deuclive (2), Dicessor (1), Dighton (7), Dinnis (2), Dix (1), Dobbs (9), Dobby (1), Downer (2), Downing (2), Dowsett (1), Drayton (28), Dreini (1), Dremrud (1), Drury (1)
du Graal (1), du Plessis (1)
Dumber Mormaer (1), Durkynghole (1), Dutton (1), Dwnn (2)
Earl of Essex (1), Edes (1), Edwardes (1), Edwards (3), Eiriksdatter (1), Eldwolde (1), Elliot (1), Elliott (2), Erikson (1), Eriksson (1), Everard (1), Evered (1), Exall (1), Eystein (1), Eysteinsson (2)
Fagger (1), Farrow (1), Fawcett (1), Feigel (1)
ferch Dafydd (1), ferch Gruffudd (1), ferch Gruffydd (1), ferch Lleudd (1), ferch Llewfer (1)
Fernandez (2), Ferrers (6), Fettiplace (3), Find (2), Fisher (3), Fiste (1)
fitz Eustace (1)
Fitz Gilbert (3)
fitz Richard (2)
FitzAlan (14), FitzBarnard (1), FitzEdith (1), FitzGerald (2), Fitzherbert (1)
fitzMartin (3)
FitzOrm (2), FitzOsborn (2), FitzPiers (1)
fitzRichard (2)
FitzRobert (1), FitzRoger (1), Fitzwarin (1), FitzWillam (1), Fitzwilliam (7)
fitzWimund (1)
Fjölnarsson (1), Flanders (1), Fleming (1), Ford (4), Forkbeard (1), Fortescue (1), Foster (12), Fox (1), Frank (5), Franken (1), Franks (1), Freemingham (1), Fremingham (2), Friday (14), Frost (2), Frowyk (3), Fryday (2), Fulda (3), Fuller (1), Funge (1), Fynis (2), Fyssenden (5)
Gage (5), Gandolsdottir (1), Gardiner (1), Garford (4), Garne (2), Gautreksson (1), Gaverigan (2), Geller (13), Gelnhausen (1), Gentell (1), George (4), Gerlhausen (1), Gieler (3), Giffard (13), Gifford (4), Gilbert (1), Gildenslyve (2), Giorgi (1), Glassman (2), Gleed (2), Gleede (1), Glendower (1), Gluckstein (1), Glyd or Gleed (1), Glymin (1), Glyndwr (1), Goble (1), Godiva (1), Godwinson (1), Golding (1), Goldschmidt (6), Gomez (1), Goodwin (1), Gould (1), Gower (1), Green (1), Greene (3), Greenfield (4), Greenland (4), Grendour (1), Grey (14), Greyndour (1), Griffin (2), Grine (1), Grothwohl (1), Grotwohl (1), Grove (1), Gruffydd (2), Guest (1), Guildford (1), Gul (1), Gurden (8), Gyrate (1)
Haas Grotwohl (1), Haas of Worms (1), Haas-Grotwohl (1), Hakohen (1), Hale (3), Halevi Gelhauser (1), Halevi-Gelnhausen (2), Halfdansdatter (1), Halfdansson (3), Hammelfett (1), Hanmer (2), Haraldsson (2), Harblett (4), Harcourt (1), Harnett (1), Harris (2), Harrison (2), Harvey (1), Haselden (4), Hass (1), Haughstone (1), Haule (4), Hawes (1), Hawkins (1), Hawley (1), Heather (1), Helgesdotter (1), Helgisdottir (1), Hellier (1), Helligan (2), Helyon (2), Hendelé Mainz (1), Henneberg-Coburg (1), Henshaw (2), Herbert (1), Heron (3), Herring (3), Herringham (1), Heyman (4), Hickcocks (1), Hickox (3), Hildesheim (1), Hill (3), Hind (2), Hinde (6), Hine (2), Hiscocke (1), Hobday (1), Holburne (1), Holland (8), Hollander (2), Holmwood (1), Holy Roman Emperor (2), Hoo (1), Hooper (1), Hotchkiss (5), Howard (9), Howell (1), Hucke (1), Huckle (4), Hughes (1), Hulford (58), Hullford (1), Humphreys (2), Huntley (1), Huntly (1), Hutchinson (1), Hyscock (2)
III (1)
illråde (1)
Ilsley (1), Ingaldesthorpe (3), Ingram (1), Ireland (1), Ironside (1), Ivarsson (1)
Jacklin (2), Jackman (1), Jakeman (1), Jeffery (1), Jenkins (4), Johnson (1), Jones (29)
Kassil Segal (1), Katz (2), Keasley (1), Keeblewhite (1), Kelke (2), Kentigern (1), Kibblewhite (4), Killock (2), King (3), King of Paris (1), King of Soissons (1), King of the Picts (1), Kinge (1), Klak (1), Knight (3), Kołodziej (1), Komnene (2), Komnenos (1), Kosminski (3), Kozminski (4), Kronenberg (2), Kyrle (3)
la Zouch (1)
Lacon (2), Lady of Wales (1), Laker (3), Lakin (1), Lambert (1), Lamming (2), Landau-Worms (4), Landner (2), Lawson (1)
le Blount (1), le Clauer (1), le Despenser (2), le Meschin (1)
Le Sedt (2)
le Strange (1)
Leach (1), Lestrange (1), Levy (3), Lewis (1), Liddall (6), Lidyard (1), Limesi (1), Lindsay (1), Lintott (9), Lionheart (1), Lisney (2), Lissney (2), Llydenwyn (1), Lock (2), Longchamps (4), Longe (1), Longespee (1), Longslow (1), Longsword (1), Lubnowska (1), Lubnowski (2), Lyddal (1), Lystney (1)
mab Urien (1), mac Áeda Find (1), mac Áedán (1), mac Cinaeda (1), mac Domangairt (1), mac Domnaill (1), mac Donnchad (1), mac Echdach (2)
Mac Eochid (1)
mac Eógain (1), mac Fergusa (1), mac Gabráin (1), mac Neill (1)
Mac Ros (1), Mac William (1), MacAlpin (1)
macDuff (1)
Mackay (1), Magelyn (3), Mainz (3), Malet (1), Malkovna (1), Mallory (6), Margaret (1), Marshal (4), Marshall (4), Martel (2), Martin (2), Mate (1), Mathew (3), Matilda (2), Mayes (1), Mead (2), Meade (1), Measure (2), Mercer (5), Meredith (2), Meres (3), Metz (1), Michael (1), Micheldever (1), Michell (3), Milbourne (1), Miles (10), Mitchell (1), Mohun (4), Molines (1), Montacute (2), Moore (3), Mor Noigiallach (1), Moran (3), Morgan or Philips (1), Morison (2), Morris (6), Morriss (4), Mortain (1), Mortimer (4), Moth (1), Mullins (3), Munchensy (1), Muñoz (1), Mychell (3)
Nachman (4), Naldret (1), Naldrett (1), Narpus (2), Naylard (1), Nayler (1), Netlefold (1), Nettlefold (5), Nevil (2), Neville (11), Nic Finn (1), Nichols (1), Nicholson (1), Norris (9), Norvell (1)
Oer (1), Oettingen (1)
of Acre (1), of Alba (1), of Albany (1), of Alemannia (3), of Angouleme (1), of Anhalt (3), of Anjou (20), of Antioch (1), of Aquitaine (7), of Aragon (8), of Arles (2), of Austrasia (1), of Autun (1), of Bamburgh (1), of Barcelona (2), of Bavaria (12), of Bayeux (1), of Bedford (1), of Blois (3), of Bohemia (10), of Bolingbroke (1), of Boulogne (3), of Brabant (3), of Brandenburg (1), of Brandenburg-Salzwedel (1), of Britain (1), of Brittany (8), of Brotherton (1), of Bulgaria (2), of Burgundy (18), of Byzantium (1), of Carinthia (2), of Castile (14), of Champagne (2), of Chatillon (1), of Chester (2), of Clarence (3), of Conisburgh (1), of Cornouaille (2), of Courtenay (2), of Cyfeiliog (1), of Dal Riata (1), of Dalriada (1), of Dorestad (1), of Dreux (5), of Dunkeld (3), of Dunster (1), of England (11), of Essex (2), of Falaise (4), of Fergus (1), of Flanders (9), of France (24), of France (1), of Franconia (2), of Frisia (4), of Galloway (1), of Gaunt (2), of Gellone (1), of Geneva (2), of Gloucester (5), of Grapfeld (1), of Guines (1), of Gwent (1), of Habsburg (1), of Hainault (4), of Hainaut (2), of Herstal (1), of Hesbaye (12), of Holland (2), of Hungary (4), of Huntingdon (2), of Italy (1), of Kent (5), of Kiev (2), of Kyiv (1), of Lancaster (5), of Leicester (1), of Leinster (1), of Lens (2), of León (3), of Leuchars (2), of Lincoln (2), of Lorsch (1), of Lusignan (1), of Luxembourg (1), of Magdala (1), of Maine (2), of Meaux (1), of Mercia (3), of Metz (1), of Montagu (1), of Montfort (1), of Mumhan (1), of Naples (1), of Navarre (3), of Neustria (4), of Neustria II (1), of Norfolk (1), of Normandy (9), of Northumbria (3), of Novgorod (2), of Orléans (1), of Orleans (1), of Ossory (1), of Oxford (1), of Passau (1), of Poher (7), of Poland (3), of Ponthieu (2), of Portugal (5), of Provence (6), of Rennes (3), of Rheged (2), of Rheingau (1), of Rhuddlan (1), of Ringelheim (1), of Saalgau (1), of Sabran (1), of Salisbury (1), of Saluzzo (2), of Savoy (4), of Saxony (4), of Scotland (15), of Shaftesbury (1), of Sicily (1), of Silesia, Poland (1), of Somerset (1), of Spoleto (1), of St Paul (2), of Stodor (1)
Of Swabia (2)
of Sweden (1), of the Franks (3), of the Obotrites (1), of the Picts (3), of the Woodlands (1), of Thuringia (2), of Tours (1), of Uppsale (1), of Valois (4), of Vergy (1), of Vermandois (11), of Vinzgau (2), of Warwick (2), of Wessex (8), of Woodstock (1), of Worms (2), of York (5)
Offley (1), Olafsdatter (1), Olafsdottir (1), Olga (1), Olney (1), Olofsdotter (1), Oppenheim (3), Oppenheimer (2), Orton-Thomas (1)
Page (2), Palomeque (1), Panitzki (1), Panitzki (Payne) (2), Parish (2), Parish-Tailor (1), Parker (4), Parmitter (3), Parry (5), Patching (6), Patching II (1), Payne (5), Peck (1), Peetar (1), Penfold (1), Percival (3), Perez (1), Perier (1), Perior (1), Perrior (1), Perrot (1), Peverell (8), Pichard (1), Picke (3), Pieczyst (1), Plater (3), Poe (2), Pollesden (2), Polson (1), Pooly (1), Praers (1), Price (2), Pryse (2), Psova (2), Pye (8)
Queen of Jerusalem (1), Quick (3)
Ragland (2), Rapley (1), Raynes (1), Raynolds (1), Razes (1), Read (1), Reade (2), Redman (2), Reed (2), Reina (1), Reiss (1), Rejzhen (1), Ricard (1), Richards (2), Richardson (1), Rist (1), Riste (2), Robertson (2), Rögnvalðsson (2), Roos (2), Ros (1), Rosewarne (2), Roskruge (1), Rudhale (2), Rudhall (4), Ruffe (2), Rufus (1), Russell (8), Ryest (1)
Sacher/Sacker (1), Sagrove (1), Saker (3), Sanderson (6), Saunders (5), Savory (1), Saxbie (2), Saxby (1), Schwartzschild (1), Scotchford (7), Scrimshire (1), Scudamore (3), Scull (1), Seaward (1), Segal (2), Segrave (1), Segrove (1), Seyliard (2), Sharpe (2), Shaue (3), Shaw (13), Shawe (6), Shepheard (3), Sheppard (1), Sherwyn (1), Shurye (1), Siek (2), Siekow (1), Sigurdsdóttir (1), Silver (1), Sim (2), Simmons (2), Sissons (1), Skilton (3), Skogan (1), Skotkonung (1), Slighter (1), Smith (9), Smylie (1), Smyth (1), Snake in the eye (1), Snellar (1), Sneller (3), Snelling (2), Somerville (1), Sonche (1), Spanier (3), Sparke (1), Spencer (1), Srabhteine (1), St Clere (4), St Quentin (2), St. Paul (2), Stafford (1), Stangen (1), Stanlake (1), Stanton (1), Starkey (1), Stegle (1), Stenning (3), Stenynge (1), Stern (7), Stokes, (1), Stoner (1), Stones (3), Story (1), Suthen (1), Svegdasson (1), Swaine (2), Swaine (Swayne) (2), Swynford (1), Symonds (1), Symons (2)
Tabram (16), Tailboys (1), Talboys (1), Taylor (9), Tew (2)
the Avenger (1), the Bear (1), the Bearded (1), the Black Prince (1), the Blind (1), the Brave (2), the Bruce (1), the Catholic (1), the Conqueror (2), the Cruel (2), the Cuman (2), the Cursed (1), the Dane (1), the Elder (2), the Exile (2), the Fisher King (1), the Fowler (1)
The Good (2)
the Grail King (1), the Great (6), the Haughty (1)
The Incompetent (1)
the Just (1), the Lame (1), the Lion (1), the Peaceful (2), the Pious (2), the Rich (1), the Ripuarian (1), the Saxon (1), the Short (1), the Simple (2), the Staller (1), the Stammerer (1), the Strict (1), the Strong (2), the Unready (1), the Victorious (3)
The Wise (3), Thiedrada (1), Thomas (11), Thompson (1), Thorn (1), Thorne (3), Thornecraft (1), Thorpe (3), Tiler (3), Tilney (1), Tinsley (1), Tiptoft (1), Tirwhitt (6), Tiuit (1), Tomlyn (1), Toner (2), Topcliffe (5), Toret (1), Touchet (8), Trafford (1), Trätälja (1), Treneur (1), Tréphine (1), Trevet (1), Trott (1), Tucker (1), Tudor (5), Tue (2), Tuitt (1), Turberville (8), Tyrwhitt (9)
Ulrich (1), Umfraville (1), Underhill (1), Unton (1), Upton (10), Usher (1)
Van Cura (1), Van Dyke (1)
van Gent (2), van La Tour (1)
Vanlandesson (1), Vásquez (1), Vaughan (9)
verch Aflawdd (1), verch Aron (1), verch Budic (1), verch Cadwgon (1), verch Cunedda (1), verch Dafydd (1), verch Gwrwared (1), verch Osoche (1), verch Tomlyn (1)
Villiers (1), Vincent (4), Visconti (2)
von Dreini (1), von Fulda Zur Glocke (1), von Lothringen (1), von Ringelheim (1)
Vrublefski (1)
Wake (2), Walder (4), Wallich (2), Wallter (1), Walrond (5), Walwayne (4), Walworth (4), Walwyn (10), Warboro (1), Ward (1), Warnecombe (1), Warner (1), Warnscombe (1), Warwick (1), Wash (2), Wayland (1), Webb (2), Weissenberg (1), Weller (1), Wells (2), Welsh (1), Wenceslas (1), Whistler (1), White (3), Whitinge (1), Whitney (3), Whittington (1), Wigson (3), Wilden (1), Wilkins (5), Willard (10), Williams (6), Willmott (7), Willoughby (1), Wilson (5), Wincolle (2), Wledig (1), Wlonkeslow (2), Wood (2), Woodstock (1), Worms (27), Wotton (1), Wright (1), Wroblewska (3), Wroblewski (1), Wrublewski (2), Wycliffe (1), Wykes (1), Wyllt (1), Wyse (1)
x (2)
Young (21)
z Mazovia (1), z Polans (2), z Polski (1) |